We are thrilled to announce these additions to enhance your advocacy:

Users can now attach a photo to accompany their advocacy messages, because with lymphedema a picture really can be worth 1000 words!

And, this month you have the opportunity to contact the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), asking that they use their authority and influence to aid us in improving lymphedema treatment coverage!

Please submit a letter to HHS at your earliest convenience. As with our Congressional submission form, a template letter is provided and the option to add personal text and a photo is available – CONTACT HHS.

Our House cosponsor count is now up to 86, but we need your continued help to reach our goal of 100 by years end. If you have not submitted a letter to your members of Congress through our new Legislative Action Center please do so, and include a photo if you desire – CONTACT CONGRESS.

Senator Merkley from Oregon remains eager to sponsor the bill in the Senate but has yet to secure a willing Republican cosponsor. For those of you new to our Newsletter, Senator Merkley is a Democrat and he hopes to get the Senate bill off to a strong bipartisan start by co-introducing with a Republican. Please help us make this a reality – CONTACT CONGRESS.

Heather Ferguson
Chair, Lymphedema Advocacy Group