Today marks the first day of the 113th Congress. Over the past two years we made incredible progress in support of the Lymphedema Treatment Act. Accomplishments during the 112th Congress include:

Nearly doubling our number of House cosponsors compared to our total for the 111th Congress.

Gaining the endorsement of several key groups including the American Cancer Society, the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA), the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA), the Oncology Nursing Society (ONS), the Lymphology Association of North America (LANA), and the AmericanLymphedema Framework Project (ALFP).

Executing a very successful advocacy trip to DC with participants from around the country who visited numerous Congressional offices and conducted a standing room only Staff Briefing. We gained many cosponsors as a direct result of this in person advocacy.

Launching a top notch Legislative Action Center on our website powered by Capwiz/CQ Roll Call.

Securing a willing sponsor for a Senate companion bill, Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, who is a Democrat and currently looking for a Republican with whom to co-introduce the bill.

Securing a new sponsor for our House bill, Congressman Dave Reichert of Washington, because our former sponsor, Congressman Larry Kissell of North Carolina, was not reelected.

This progress is only possible due to our wonderful supporters. I would like to acknowledge the following entities, who have our deepest appreciation:

The Lymphedema Advocacy Group Board of Directors, whose members volunteer countless hours to further our cause.

All our Endorsing Groups, whose backing lends so much strength this effort.

Our Sponsors, who make our website and more possible – Farrow Medical Innovations, Jobst/BSN Medical, JoViPak, Juzo, Lymphedema Products, LympheDIVA’s, mediUSA, and Solaris.

And YOU – Constituent contact is the essential key for gaining Congressional support and your grass roots advocacy is the driving force behind our entire effort!

During the 113th Congress we hope to organize two advocacy trips to DC so that more of you are able to join us in making this important direct contact with law makers. We anticipate the first trip being in the late spring or early fall this year, and the second in early September of 2014. The second will be in conjunction with the NationalLymphedema Network’s biennial convention that will be taking place in DC at that time. We will post more details about the Lymphedema Lobby Days on our website as they become available, and of course announce them via this newsletter.

I am extremely proud of the progress we have made. As we enter this new cycle of Congress your continued involvement is critically important. When many people do just a little we accomplish a lot, and we need your help in growing our grassroots base of support. Please take a moment to please tell a few friends about our website so they can get involved. Just use our easy Tell-A-Friend form to fill in the email addresses of up to 10 people at a time.

Thanks for your continued support of this important legislation and I look forward to the progress we will make in 2013!

Heather Ferguson
Executive Director, Lymphedema Advocacy Group