I am so pleased to announce that Representative Dave Reichert of Washington State’s 8th Congressional District will sponsor the Lymphedema Treatment Act in the 113th Congress!

Representative Reichert currently serves on the Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, to which our bill has been referred. We have seen that he and his staff believe in this issue and are working hard on it. We are truly delighted by his recent commitment to sponsor our bill.

I would like to recognize and thank Lymphedema Advocacy Group board member Elaine Eigeman and the dedicated team of patients and health care professionals who joined her to meet with Congressman Reichert to secure his support.

Once again, this is a testament to the power of patient-driven grass roots advocacy and how we each can make a difference when we get involved! Kudos to our “Washington State Team” of lymphedema patient advocates. If you would like advice and support in building a similar team in your state please reply to this email.

Heather Ferguson
Executive Director, Lymphedema Advocacy Group